Short thoughts, lessons, interesting realizations, or helpful discoveries
- You cannot regularily drink raw egg whites even though they are the food with the best protein:calorie ratio. It causes a biotin deficiency!
- It's time to retire WWW from domains. It's a relic, not needed, and ugly.
- Vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) is often misdiagnosed as Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB). The determining symptom is difficulty breathing on the inhale (VCD) versus exhale (EIB).
- It's bothersome we have packed ourselves so close together, with so much fake light, that we cannot fully see the universe in the night sky. Some people may go their entire lives seeing only a fraction of the visible universe. Not only is it bothersome, it kills babies.
- Cities cause mental illness. We should probably stop packing people so unaturally close together.
- Fake trees (and all fake nature) are extremly offensive and ugly.